Telus Spark
Goal -  To analyze your choice of a building on if it is balance. The assignment was based off answering the following questions and present what we found: Is the signage easy to find and navigate? How helpful are the employees? Were you able to find the location easily? Would you return back?
Project Statement -  I analyzed Telus Sparks for my way finding assignment where families and students on field trips attend this place daily for an educational purpose. The purpose of this assignment was based off Telus Spark’s way finding as a customer. Traveling to this location was very difficult where the signs where not clear on whether to pull into the Zoo parking lot or to follow the road. Once I got into the building staff were unhelpful on our age as their main purpose was helping those with children. Navigating around the building was based on our decision and signage. The signage was very confusing as many blended in with the interactive exhibits. At one exhibit the fire alarm had blended in where during a fire it would be difficult to find. Exit signs were placed in top of the ceiling. Since Telus Sparks is for children if there was a fire, children would have a hard time finding the nearest exit. Telus Sparks needs to find a better way to present their signage as they lacked visibility.
Made in collaboration with Carla Villeta and Geivan Obamasca
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