Olsten Avenue
Goal - To create a identity system for a community of chosen, where I was given Connaught to design a word mark, logo, tagline, brand colours, and typeface. In order to represent Connaught, I visited the area, took pictures and interviewed those who were visiting and living in the community. I wanted to create a logo that would be distinct to other community’s and represented Connaught. 
Project Statement - The image identifies the community of Connaught in order to represent the division with old and new areas to become united as one. Connaught is in the middle of repression where the old is becoming modernized. The logo is displayed with two apartment buildings representing the modernization of the area. There is also an outline of a house underneath which is between the two apartments to help represent the old and the split of the areas. The tagline, “FOR THE OLD SOULS & THE EAGER HEARTS” describes the family and quiet life during the day but at night it becomes A loud community filled with entertainment and parties. The purpose of the word mark, Olsten Avenue, is a mixture of the words: old, style, and modern.
Made in collaboration with Carla Villeta
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