Journey To Mount Royal University
Goal - The journey map displays the idea of a classmates daily route from home to Mount Royal University. The assignment was to display the journey map using a data visualization diagram. 
Project Statement - To construct my journey map, I interviewed my classmate on how he gets to school. What does he do during his journey? What makes his journey stand out than our other classmates? My classmate described that he has bad road rage. When he experiences bad drivers this mirrors how he will feel through out the day. The brown at the top of the map represents his route to school while the black and drops of red demonstrates when a bad driver strikes. Once a bad driver strikes he burst with sudden drops of orange representing his pain. After a long day the anger kicks away leaving him slowly drifting to his green happy go lucky self. The colours are displayed in the order of angry to happy through the darkest to lightest colours of orange, yellow, pink, purple, blue,  and green between the brown and black routes.

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