Everyone Has The Right In Culture Life To Enjoy The Arts And Share Scientific Advancement
Goal - To combine text and image to communicate a complex idea through an icon. I was assigned the topic of “Everyone has the Right in Culture Life to Enjoy the Arts and Share Scientific Advancement.” With this topic, I had to demonstrate how to communicate in a poster what my topic is without details. 
Project Statement - To communicate my Human Rights topic of ‘the Right for everyone to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts, and to share in scientific advancement’, I used research to identify what it is about and how everyone is able to connect with it. What are the unique aspects of this Human Right? How can our society connect with this Right globally? The use of colour in a light bulb represents how we are able to enjoy the arts and connect to cultural life. The light bulb and the circles surrounding it, represent sharing our scientific advancement where we use our innovative thinking that is written in the middle of the poster. 
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